The Forty Minute Walking/Running Workout

It's the beginning of a new year and a new you! If one of your goals is to start running, we have a workout for you. Working out on a treadmill during the inclement weather of Winter is a fine way to get into the sport. I am a firm believer in easing into your relationship with running since you need to give your body time to adjust to the physical demands — you don't want to get so sore that you never want to run again. Mixing walking and running is a great way to get your heart rate up while priming your body for distance and speed. Here's a 40-minute walking/running workout, and if you're new to running you should certainly check it out.

Take a look at the workout when you read more.


As always, if this workout is too hard or too easy, feel free to decrease or increase the speed. I would keep the incline set to 1.0 because this helps prevent shin splints. Try to do this workout three times in one week. The following week, after warming up for the first 10 minutes, run for three minutes and walk for three minutes, keeping the last two segments at two minutes each, then cool down with walking. Try it. You just may get hooked on running.
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