These easy weight gain tips can help-Lean and thin?

Gaining weight can be trickier and needs a lot more effort than losing weight. Afterall, you can always cut down on your diet when you want but will never be able to stuff your belly more than it can take. Moreover, advices galore for people who want to shed those extra kilos but ask anyone how to gain weight and all you will probably come across are blank stares.

But that does not mean that it is impossible to gain weight. Following the below mentioned easy weight gain tips can certainly help.

Eat more, eat right: Before your take up to mission weight gain, first thing to ascertain is how many calories you consume daily. After three or four days of studying your food habits, start increasing your daily calorie intake slowly. Remember, the calorie intake should be increased gradually to let your body become accustomed to the new, more rigorous diet regimen.

Increase your calories intake: Ideally you should focus on putting more muscle mass than simply putting on flab and for that you will need to consume the right kind of food rather than just gorging on junk food. A person on a weight gain diet program should consume 20-30 percent carbohydrates, 30-40 percent protein and 20-30 percent fats. You will have to try different diet combinations to know exactly what suits your body.

Hit the gym, lift some weights: To ensure that you put on more muscle mass rather than just becoming fat, it is advisable to start weight training. Lifting weights is an integral part of a weight gaining regimen and should be followed religiously in order to achieve the desired results. Carry out your weight training under the supervision of an experienced trainer.

Often, people looking to gain weight, end up doing too much exercise, which can do more harm than good. Mild weight lifting is advisable so that you do not burn too many calories.

Dietary supplements can help: If you think that your daily diet does not provide you with the required amount of nutrients, you can try a few food supplements available in the market. However, considering the large number of inferior products in the market, it is highly recommended to consult an expert before going for food supplements.

Have a lot of snacks: A person looking to gain weight should consume a lot of high calorie snacks such as cheese products, protein shakes, dry fruits etc between regular meals. However, it is important to differentiate between junk food and other snacks.
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